How to Become a Landlord Partner
Thank you for your interest in joining the Hialeah Housing Authority Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program as a landlord partner. Through our agency's partnership with landlords like you, we are able provide affordable housing opportunities to families within our community.
Once you have a prospective tenant, to join the Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program as a landlord partner, the following forms must be completed in their entirety, printed, and returned to Hialeah Housing Authority along with the additional items listed below.
Completed forms will be accepted in person at the Hialeah Housing Authority office or via USPS at
75 East 6th Street Hialeah, FL 33010
Attn: Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
or via email to: Elvira Secas: and Aylen Garcia Perez:
You may fill out the forms, typing in your responses, and then print, or you may print the forms and then manually write your responses.
We recommend saving a copy of all completed forms for your own records.
Once all items have been received, reviewed, and approved, Landlord Partners are required to execute the HAP Contract. Upon tenant's move-in approval, you may come in, in person or execute the contract via email. In addition, you must also provide the lease agreement.
Thank you again for your interest in partnering with the Hialeah Housing Authority Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, should you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to reach out to our program staff.
Required Forms
Please complete each form in its entirety, print each form, and return to Hialeah Housing Authority along with the additional items listed below.
- HUD-52517 Request for Tenancy Approval
- W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID Number and Certification
- Direct Deposit Enrollment
- Conflict of Interest
- Disclosure Affidavit
- Landlord or Authorized Agent Certification
- Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Notification Form
Please provide a copy of the following:
- Copy of the Warranty Deed - (With Seal of the Clerk of the Courts) OR Copy of the Settlement Statement - (In cases where the property was recently purchased and there is no available registered Warranty Deed)
- Copy of Driver's License or Florida ID
- Copy of the Social Security Card or Tax ID Number (IRS SS-4 Form)